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We think it’s a course of study worth celebrating!

At TCS Preschool, children learn through play, through active exploration of materials, the environment, and experiences with other children and skilled, caring teachers. Through their experiences, children construct knowledge about the world. Our methods encourage hands-on experiential learning and problem-solving rather than rote instruction and memorization. 

In developing curriculum at TCS, our teachers are guided by the State of Connecticut Early Learning Development Standards (ELDS). The goals and objectives within these programs guide the teachers’ ongoing assessment of children, and help us define what young children should know, understand and be able to do. They also inform our decisions about what, how and when to teach young children the skills and knowledge they need for success in school and in life. The curriculum guidelines allow for adaptations and modifications that ensure access for all children. And, we are committed to Developmentally Appropriate Practice as defined by NAEYC.

With your children, we’re all ears.

In addition to the guidelines and frameworks mentioned above, our curriculum decisions are also guided by the children’s natural interests, life experiences, and the cycle of the Jewish calendar. Academic content areas such as math, language and literacy, science, and social studies are embedded in the children’s play and daily activities. Teachers utilize their observations to understand individual needs, strengths and interest.  

When there is a demonstrated interest in a particular topic either through teacher provocation or observations through play, teachers plan “investigations” also known as The Project Approach. This is an in-depth study that could last several weeks or several months based on the level of interest demonstrated by the children. The daily schedule provides a balance between large and small group activities along with active and quiet activities.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785