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High Holiday Appeal

One of the important initiatives that allows us to “do what we do” is the High Holiday Appeal (HHA).  The HHA is the second most significant source of revenue for TCS, after membership dues.  Your dues only cover about 80% of the synagogue’s expenses.  We rely on the HHA along with our annual Gala Fundraiser to support families who cannot afford full dues, maintain a strong clergy and professional staff team, and help keep our congregation engaged and connected.

As always, we encourage each member of our TCS community to contribute to the campaign in a way that is meaningful to you.  Please give what you can—we have teenagers who have contributed $18 from their allowance, and generous supporters who contribute $18,000 per year.  It’s your participation that counts.

Your support is crucial to help ensure that TCS continues to bring light and inspiration to our community for years to come.  We hope you will join us and contribute what you can, and thank you for your support. 

Simcha Wall

Life’s most joyous milestones – births, weddings, B’nei Mitzvah, special birthdays and anniversaries – are just a moment in time.

Yet, these moments are what we remember most. And what we would like our family and friends to remember for years to come. Now, you can commemorate these events forever by inscribing them on the new TCS Simcha Wall. It’s a special place where families will be reminded of their celebrated moment for generations to come. It’s also an opportunity to participate in the time-honored tradition of recognizing meaningful milestones in one’s life by making a charitable contribution. Come visit the glass mosaic in the lobby and be inspired to order your family plaque!

There are three glass plaque sizes to choose from:  2”x6”, 4”x6”, 6”x6”, at $720, $1800, $3600, respectively. You may complete the order form below. For additional questions, please contact us by calling (203) 454-4673, or by emailing

Click here to order!

Sponsor a Kiddush

Koach Campaign

Let's, as a community, move together from Strength to Strength!

To build a strong future for TCS, we have launched our community’s first campaign in two decades. With a working goal of over $6 million, the Koach Campaign will support our synagogue by:

1. Investing in our Clergy by funding housing for the Rabbi and Cantor, contiguous properties purchased by TCS in 2008 and 2016, respectively.

2. Modernizing our Hillspoint Home to create better opportunities for our community to connect, worship, learn and celebrate.

To learn more about our Koach Campaign and/or to make a donation, please contact a member of our fundraising team:

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785